Micro Combined Heat and Power (CHP)

We at Fluid Handling are excited to open our new classroom with this Micro CHP course.

Micro CHP: It IS the coming thing, and has been popular in Europe for some time. Micro CHP units generate electricity utilizing long design-life natural gas (or propane)-fired engines and simple, reliable induction generators. Heat recovered from the engine AND the generator produces hot water, which is used wherever hot water demands are high. As our electrical rates have crept up and as our mind-set has “greened,” there are many applications in our area where Micro CHP now makes sense. CHP is now available in the form of 24 KW packaged units from Lochinvar, using proven technology from experienced overseas partners.

Overview of the class: Our PDH course will feature a general discussion of CHP, engine technology, generator and control technology, identifying potentially “good” projects, energy used (and saved!), installation requirements, economics, potential available rebates, and much more. At the completion of the general discussion, we will present Lochinvar’s new packaged systems, followed by lunch.

FREE Class and Free Lunch!

Wednesday, August 21st 10am-12noon
Thursday August 22 10am-12Noon
Inaugural Class

CHP is really coming!
Micro Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
*Earn 2 PDH

PDH Fees Waived in Celebration of Our New Classroom!

Wed. August 21, 2019 At Fluid Handling
W140 N9061 Lilly Rd.
Menomonee Falls, WI. 53051

Thursday August 22, 2019, Madison 
Crown Plaza Hotel - Yaharra Room 
4402 E. Washington Ave. 
Madison, WI. 53704 

Yes! Save my seat for the Inaugural Class

We will confirm your spot and will be in touch with any further details.

The Instructors:

Eric Morrow linkedin photo

Eric Morrow

Lochinvar EC Power
Prior to working for Lochinvar, Mr. Morrow was involved in large CHP projects, typically using gas turbines. He has been involved in design and commissioning of over 20 such installations in WI alone.

Bill Armstrong

PE, Fluid Handling
Bill has been involved in over 25 CHP projects in WI/ Upper Michigan. These involved steam turbine drivers but many used the same induction generator technology and control philosophy as used by engine-based CHP units.